11 December 2012

Regarding SSHS's production of Once Upon A Mattress

So...after three days of grueling auditions and feeling like a horrible person when I laughed at people's singing (yes I actually did. I tried so hard not to, so give me a pat on the back for effort) I have a piece of news that I think will interest anyone who knows me personally! I am playing the role of Queen Aggravain in my high school's production of Once Upon A Mattress. I'm so excited because I know this year the musical will be quality. Our last music teacher barely knew what he was doing and our new teacher is SO AMAZING (a trained opera singer) I don't even have enough words to describe her skills. She knows everything there is to know about your voice after just a few minutes of hearing you speak or sing, and sometimes all she needs is to look at you. It's kind of creepy. She knows how to really teach people to sing and adapt to individual learning needs, something the last teacher lacked. Also, her husband is a legitimate film and stage director so he is directing our musical. It's already turning out well and we only just today read the script...I'm feeling really confident! I have until January 7th to memorise Act I, and until January 24th to memorise Act II. I feel confident because I know that my teacher (I'm not saying her name on here because I don't know how kindly she would take my plastering her name all over my blog) can help me be truly amazing. Last year I wouldn't have felt this confident.

Another thing I really like about her is that you don't get the feeling she's thinking about doing you when you make eye contact (unfortunately, everyone agrees that our last music teacher gave off that vibe. Even the boys). That's always a plus.

And also I'm really good friends with her daughter, who watched DOCTOR WHO!! Finally! Another teenage Soda Springs Whovian!

And boy did this post veer from the original subject...by the way, Tokio Hotel is supposedly releasing a new album next year. Thought you ought to know.


About Me

I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.