28 May 2011

Loud and obnoxious? Most definitely. Random? Not so much.

I think...that the word 'random' has lost its meaning for many people. Everyone knows that one super-annoying person that is 'so hyper all the time' and 'so random.' They explode in a rather forced-sounding fit of hysterical laughter, after which they will say something like, "Oh, wow! Sorry, I'm usually really hyper! This is really calm for me! Haha!" or "Sorry, I'm SO RANDOM! HAhahaha!"

And then I want to say, ever so politely, "No. You are not random. True randomness happens without method or chosen decision, and you have obviously decided to explode in this fashion beforehand to make us all think you're 'that random girl.' Just keep telling yourself you're unique."

Yes, I am talking about a particular person...

I went to a cousin's party in Firth. She took me aside and warned me about this girl, Bella*, who was extremely obnoxious and thought everyone was her best friend. You know the type, they think they are just so darling and everyone loves them but in reality everyone wants to make them stay at Lord Voldemort's place for a few hours. My cousin told me Bella was the annoying-violent kind. I have been in this state myself a few times, except I never actually hurt anyone, so I didn't take the warning too seriously. Until I took Bella by the hands and started to try to teach her the swing (which she failed miserably at, by the way). Bella didn't really catch on to what we were supposed to be doing with our arms, so she ended up trying to swing them up and over my head, which resulted in dizziness and bruised arms (I couldn't get away either, she had my wrists locked in a death grip). I tottered away to my cousin and avoided Bella the rest of the night.

What kind of person frustrates YOU the most?

*Name has been changed.

1 comment:

  1. LOL okay so I need to start actually reading your blog. I remember this experience. I'm still dealing with "Bella" *head-desk*



About Me

I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.