29 May 2011

You know who you are....

Dear someone,

Being homeschooled in Soda Springs, I don't know very many people. I don't have many friends, and what friends I do have are either false or adults. Adult friends are nice, but its also nice to have someone your own age to confide in, you know?

Now, you're homeschooled too. But you don't have this problem. In Firth its easier. I love going to dances in Firth, because there you always, without fail, introduce me to your friends. You have such a huge circle of friends, and every time I visit you it has grown! I am so happy for you! That is a huge blessing. So, in turn, my circle of friends grows. I always have someone to hang out with in Firth! And they seem to enjoy being with me, too. I have tons of excellent friends that I love in Firth, thanks to you!

I love to visit you. Its not very often we get to see each other, but we always make the most of it. We go shopping, we talk, we make up imaginary worlds outside like children, we film short movies, play music, watch YouTube videos, meet new people, laugh, tell stories, and learn about each other. Being with you is one of the best things I have to look forward to.

I try to be like you. When I see someone on their own at a social gathering I will try to stay with them until they leave me. I try to be friendly like you, someone I would want to hang out with.

So, thank you for being my constant. I have realised there are too many variables in the equations of my life right now. You are truly the one person who I can pour my whole self into and not give me a weird look. Alright, sometimes you do give me weird looks, but they are at least in good humour! You have taught me so much about the world and to look at it differently. Whenever my friends here in Soda (I'm not sure I even have any) turn their backs to me, you always find a way to let me in. I am so glad that we got this close. I remember when you were just that one cousin who sometimes came to Ice Cream Social, but through our letters and phone calls you have become my real best friend. I love you more than words can express. Thank you for being such a great friend.

Love and warm fuzzies,

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About Me

I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.