09 May 2011

The West End of London

Imagine you are standing on the precipice of a bubbling volcano inside of which lives a vicious, kitten-eating Volcano Beast. A man is with you who looks very much in charge, and he has two baby kittens. He asks you, "Now, which one shall I throw in for the Volcano Beast? I'll leave that up to you."

Isn't that the most terrible situation to be in? I'm pretty much in that boat, except I don't have to sacrifice a kitten. I have to choose which musical I want to see when I'm in the West End in July! There are so many different musicals showing then, but most of them are really weird, like Shrek: The Musical, Ghost, or even Priscilla - Queen of the Desert. So I've narrowed my choice down to three: Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera, and Wicked. I mean seriously? How do you pick?

I've seen a movie of Les Mis, based on the book, but it wasn't the musical. I've played out of the sheet music book for it, so I know most of the songs, but I know there are a few more that are....inappropriate....My mum told me they use a revolving stage for some parts, to have multiple scenes going simultaneously. Mum told me just to see that one, but there's a scene that I'm positive a West End theatre won't spare the audience from that a smaller production might. And I'm also fairly positive that it will make me Les Uncomfortables.

My dad has never seen Phantom, and I would *love* to see it with him!! All I've seen is the DVD with Gerard Butler as Erik, but it's soooo good! The music is so genius and big and gorgeous and gaudy....but what else can we expect of Andrew Lloyd Webber? Now, if CATS was showing I think I would just have to go crawl into a hole and die. Because CATS has been my all-time favourite musical since I was five, and Phantom my second favourite. But...

I've NEVER seen Wicked. Never heard the soundtrack, except for one song that was played rather obnoxiously in the car by a friend on the way to a party. I liked it, I guess. I know what it's about, and I could always do more research and YouTube-ing. It sounds really sweet, and recently a large group of people from the high school went to see it. They all came home in awe, and I was pretty envious while reading their tweets from within the theatre.

I may have to resort to eenie-meenie.

So what's you're favourite musical?

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I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.