30 November 2011

Day 11: Steall Falls (July 13th)

This morning we departed after breakfast for our hike up to Steall Falls. There is an extremely attractive Russian waiter here, by the way.

We drove and drove into the mountains on our big coach, and stopped somewhere to see the Black Lake and the viaduct that the Hogwarts Express drives along! I even got a picture of it as a train was going!

We drove some more and stopped again at a little place to eat lunch. I had an Irn Bru, which I didnt really like. My uncle Derrick drank them all the time when he was in Scotland, and he absolutely loves it. He probably subscribes to it on Amazon. But I really didn't think it was all that great. Dad and i only ate half of our sandwiches and saved the other half for later.

We drove and drove some more, until our big coach couldnt go any furthur, so we transferred to a littler coach. At last we reached Steall Falls! Our hiking guide told us all about the trail. It's apparently really dangerous, and plenty of folks have even died on it! That just made me look forward to it all the more. And let. me. tell. you. That was the greatest hike ever. If I lived anywhere close to it, that trail would probably be my favourite way to spend a weekend with friends or a date or something. On the way, someone found a huge black slug. He was quite charming, and when we turned around he had gone a few feet along the trail. Most of the Americans had to stop super often for breaks. Dad and I, however, pressed on. I never even broke a sweat! Not that it would have been that easy to do, because it was so cool. I'm so glad it didn't rain!

We reached this little river that everyone took their shoes off to cross. I thought I could make my own way across by just stepping on rocks, but I soon regretted it. The other's wet feet dried in no time but my shoes were soggy until we got back to the hotel. :( Haha, it was pretty funny though. Around the falls, a few people pointed out tiny yellow frogs. Even Dad saw them! But I never did!

Somewhere around here we frolicked around on the hill the Hagrid's hut scenes (PoA thru DH) were filmed on. As we were leaving the location I tried jumping off this little hillock and ended up rolling down it instead, tearing a hole in my pant knee. It was so funny! I wish I could have gotten a recording of myself. I must have looked ridiculous. I mean, it was a very small hill, I don't know why I fell.

After we made our way back down the mountain, we hopped back into the coach. On the trip back to the hotel, we passed the real Black Lake and saw the island they filmed Dumbledore's tomb on.

At the hotel, I took a shower and tried drying, then curling my hair with my iron. I wanted to be pretty for the little party we were having later. It worked until I ran out of time, then i just had to straighten my 80% curled hair. :( Sigh. Oh well.

Before the party a hired storyteller told us stories. One I remember was quite interesting, but I don't remember anything about it anymore. For the 'party' there were a few 'magical' activities, like potion making and cool stuff, but it was like a 'first-come only-served' basis, so Dad and i went to bed instead of joining in.
It was worth it. ^_^

PS There's a girl in my group who has Kermit the Frog dressed as Eleven in the TARDIS tattooed on her underarm!

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I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.