30 November 2011

Day 12: Glencoe to Edinburgh (July 14th)

This morning I dressed up in my Hogwarts uniform, and emerged forom our hotel room to find that many others in my group did the same, for today would be a great photo op; this is the day we ride the Hogwarts Express!! Gosh, it was so incredibly exciting!

After breakfast and packing, the nerds mingled in the lobby and took many pictures. Also, I have two ribs out of place from my tumble yesterday. I consider myself lucky though; usually when this happens its only one rib and I cannot breathe. Right now though its just a rather annoying stab in my back and boob - I can even yawn, which means I'll probably make it until we get home, then I can see the chiropractor.

After Karen shooed us into our coach, we left for the train station! The movie engine, Olton Hall, is in a museum so we will be taken by another engine, the Jacobite. We got special tickets! The train even still had its Hogwarts emblem on the side! AAhh it was so cool! There are no words...

We rode to this place called Mollaig on the regular cars. When we stopped at the station there Dad and I ate lunch at this nice seafood place and went into a gift shop, where I was approached by a Scottish kid. He asked if he could see my copy of Deathly Hallows (I had brought it along to read on the train), so I let him look at it. It was so funny! Only American versions have illustrations, and he wanted to see Mary GrandPre's artwork.

Dad and I rode back in the movie cars!! It was fun-I stuck my head out the window and got a face sprinkling of water. There might have been some soot too...When we were sitting in our car, I wondered if Dan, Rupert, and Emma had ever been in this car. I just kept thinking about all the cast members that could have possibly sat on those seats, and I imagined Luna passing out the Quibbler in the hall. We were visited by the trolley lady as well as dementors, which was pretty swell. The trolley lady gave us each little bags of 'magical' candy. It was quite disgusting (it was just el cheapo crap, not licensed HP stuff), except for the liquorice wand.

Aftter the train ride, I had a long coach ride ahead to read and sleep. After all, we were watching the movie in about ten hours! Gah! So excited!

We stopped again in Callender, and Dad and I went to the same sweet shop as before. This time we got a block of Scottish macaroon, which let me tell you, turned out to be very disappointing. Basically, itz a huge block of solidified sugar coated in roasted coconut. I wish we had gotten fudge. :/
Our Edinburgh hotel also turned out to be a disappointment; our room has a bed and a futon. Grand. Especially since two of my ribs dont need to stab me any harder.

Dad and I wanted to explore Edinburgh, but as it was 9:30, all the shops were closed. So we just ate a very small dinner in the hotel resaurant. We got the soup special, which was about 40% black pepper, and therefore absolutely disgusting. And in the case of my friend Rachel, deadly. But the waitress knocked half off our bill for complaining! Haha!

I finished my book and rested as we waited for 11:30; thats when we go see the movie!! I'm squealing!!! Jennifer has been emailing me during this whole trip so I wrote her back as I waited.

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I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.