05 July 2011

Day 2: Lost in the Louvre

This morning Dad and I ate breakfast at the restaurant next door to our hotel.  We ordered omelettes, and they were enormous! I al,ost couldnùt finish. I think the breakfast portions here are bigger than in the States...

After breakfast we walked to the Louvre. It is basically a beeline from our hotel, so we didn't get lost. =) Once there; ze got free ad,ission since dad is disabled and I a, his 'accompanist.' We explored the Sully wing of the Louvre (there are three zings, all of which are absolutely enor,ous) because the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo are there. We got to see both of them, but ze coulnd't get very close to the Mona lisa, since it is protected by glass, a wooden barrier, security guards, a rope barrier, and a gigantor throng of people. We snuck around the crowd and ,ade it like 20 feet away, i think. The Venus de Milo is a very pretty statue. She has a nice face, i think.

Then, as we att,ped to get to the Egyptian stuff, ze got horribly lost and ended up staying for like 2 hours. After that ze zere no longer appreciating the art and just trying desperately to get out of there. It is sooo hot in there...

Once ze escaped we tried to get to Champs Elysees, but we were ,iserable by the ti,e ze got there (we had to walk through what I believe to be miles of park) and so decided to go back too the hotel and took a well-needed nap.

(scrambled, will rewrite later)

I bought a white dress and almost bought a black dress to zear to the theatre, but decided to wait till ze zere in England. It was a very expensive (but extre,mely cute!) dress, but I ,ight find something I like better.

After another break and dinner, a Citroen car picked us up for a tour around the city at night. I had no idea hoz large the Eiffel tozer actually is, or, for lack of a better zord, spiderweblike. Really, it re,inded ,e of intricate lace or a spiderzeb. So beautiful!

And today is ,y native countryùs independance day. I hope you all had fun!

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I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.