25 July 2011

Day 8: First Filming Locations!

Americans really are lazy. Its really quite incredible. I've noticed that Parisians are very lean, because they walk everywhere, and Londoners are mostly too, but now that I'm surrounded by Americans I'm marvelling at how fat everybody is! These bigger people have bigger luggage, as well. I swear some people are packing around people in their bags. Didn't anyone tell these guys that the joke, "Let me come in your suitcase!" is just a joke? Anyway, back to the original thought: today we were told that if we wished so we could leav our luggage outisde our door for the porters to load onto the coach. Dad and I were like the only people that brought our luggage to the lobby ourselves.

Sigh. Whatever.

Eventually everyone boarded the tour coach and we began touring! XD First we visited the London film sites, of course. We went to the first Leaky Cauldron, which is pharmacy; Gringotts; the second Leaky Cauldron, a flower shop; and visited King's Cross and St. Pancras. Platforms 9 and 10 are under renovation right now, so we couldn't go in and take pictures of ourselves pushing the half-trolley at Platform 9 3/4. :( But we did see the platforms 4 and 5, which played 9 and 10 in the movie. St. Pancras's exterior doubles for King's Cross in the movie because, well, King's Cross is boring and St. Pancras looks amazing. We also walked on the Millenium Bridge and saw St Paul's Cathedral, although the tour group hadn't scheduled for us to go in.

Then we went to Oxford. There was much farmland to be seen on the way.

Yippee, we visited Christ Church! (and the others, that I can't remember their names...) Home to the staircase in which the first years wait to be Sorted, the Great Hall in PS, the courtyards, the outdoorish corridors (I got my picture sitting in a window!), the Hogwarts library, and the tree by which Draco was turned into a ferret by Moody Crouch Jr.

After walking around the colleges for several hours (we were the only tour group today that got to see everything!) we checked into our hotel, and then were turned loose into Oxford for dinner. In town, Dad bought a postcard. For dinner, we found an itty bitty place that sold pasties, so we had those and toffee cheesecake. It was very yummy.

You know, bus stops here have anti-homeless person benches. They are just wide enough for someone to sit on, but they are rounded so if you were to try to lay on one you would instantly roll right off!

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I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.