07 July 2011

Day 5: The Premiere

We slept in again today, but this time I wasn't too happy about it. I decided to wear my white shirt, tie, and sweater. Just because. But I ended up regretting the sweater; it was really rainy, but I got super hot and ended up carrying it under my arm the whole day.

We tried going to the museum of Natural History, but the queue was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long we would have been waiting for hours and hours. So instead we went to Harrod's (all the stores are having huge sales), but all we got was a pair of purple tights to wear with the dress I got in Paris. I was going to try on some shoes and hopefully buy a pair, but my feet were soaked so I couldn't get them in or out.

I don't know why, but clothes shopping always makes feel very awkward, and when I'm with Dad its worse than usual. I can tell he isn't comfortable, and I barely am, so his awkwardness just amplifies mine. I love going shopping, but not really with him. :/

Just as we were heading out I spotted a Burberry sale rack (which is something I thought I would never see. ever.)but I didn't point it out; I think Dad was starving at that point. We found a cute little Persian restaurant and ate breakfast/lunch there, with baklava for pudding.

After lunch we headed for Trafalgar Square, hoping to be able to catch a glimpse of the goings-on in there, but it had been blockaded off. Only the people who had camped out in the night got to be in there, since they were in there before it got blocked off. :'(

Instead, we decided to seek out the big Apple Store. We walked the entire length of Regent Street, found it, got in, wondering why the heck we even bothered seeing as it was just like any other Apple Store, and left. I was pretty annoyed. Oh well.

The entire length of Regent Street, plus Piccadilly, plus half of Trafalgar Square, plus the entire length of Strand, is quite a long distance. The Apple store is at the head of Regent Street, and the theatre showing The Lion King is on the corner of Strand and Wellington. But we walked the whole way, like proper troopers. I actually find it rather fun to walk around large cities. It makes me feel cool :)

On our way back down Regent, we stopped at a Burberry store. I absolutely love Burberry. Dad knows this, so he insisted we take a look around (the dear) even though I asked what the point was, it wasn't as if we would buy anything. But I still like looking, so he went to the men's side and I admired all the pretty trench coats (This season they have this blueish one, it reminds me of the Starry Night by Van Gogh). When I felt like leaving, I walked up to Dad, who was examining a blue polo shirt, and told him how much it was (L295). Then we left.

Someday when I am quite rich, I will own quite a few coats by Burberry, I should think.

So we made our way to the Lyceum Theatre, occasionally poking our heads into shops along the way. We had dinner right next to the theatre, and got out just in time for our show to start. I loved it! Rafiki was my favourite character. In this production he was a she, and she was brilliant! The animals would occasionally run down the aisles; I got snarled at by a hyena! :)

Tomorrow we are seeing Much Ado About Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD

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I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.