25 July 2011

Day 6: Tate and Tennant

Today we didn't sleep in, but I was really slow getting out of bed. Oh, and then as I was getting ready for the day I realised I had left the purple tights at the restaurant yesterday! We were going back to Harrod's later anyway, so we decided to go back and look in the restaurant too.

Once we got out of our hotel, we made our way to the river for our boat ride! We got there early, so we ate breakfast at the building next to the Eye, and I feel really pathetic for not remembering what it was called.

After breakfast we went to our pier and our guide gave us rain jackets to wear under our life vests. They were really nice, because it was pretty cold. Then we hopped into the boat and went on a speedy adventure down the Thames! It was amazing. Our guide was really funny and had a Northern accent, so it made it all the better. ^_^ Except halfway through it started raining, and speeding down the river into the rain proved rather painful. By the end my hair was becoming dreadlocks.

We went back to the hotel to warm up and get our umbrellas, and then went to Harrod's! On the way of course we stopped at the Persian restaurant for lunch and they had found and saved my tights! :) And this time in Harrod's my feet were dry, and I got my first pair of platform heels. THey are epic.

We dropped off the shopping at our hotel room, and then took the underground to Wyndham's Theatre to see MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. I was rather looking forward to seeing David Tennant and Catherine Tate. Onstage, in person, from the second row.

We always get to our theatres early so we can walk around their neighbourhood and eat dinner before we see the play. I got a Union flag t-shirt, and we went to M&Ms World and got a bag of fancy M&Ms. They actually tasted creamier than ones you get at the store, probably because they were a lot fresher. This place, you know, is three levels of stuffed M&Ms, M&Ms magnets, toys, bags, shirts, and generally junk that you would throw out after a few years. It was amazing!

After we escaped the M&Ms, we ate dinner at a lovely Lebanese place which had the best service we had yet encountered; they actually came to check on us more than once every hour! It was incredible! It seems that over here its a sort of challenge to see how long you can make one glass of water last during your meal. They don't refill your glasses!

After we ate, we went back to the theatre. You know, they let you bring your own food into theatres here. I bet you could bring in a little folding table and a Christmas dinner and they wouldn't so much as look at you twice!

My favourite part of Much Ado was when Catherine tripped over one of her lines. Everybody was laughing at her-the other actors, the audience, and herself. She tried multiple times to say it, but it was a sort of tongue-twister. It was really quite unfortunate! She actually walked off stage to get a grip on herself she was laughing so hard! And then when she came back out she had an extremely serious face on and that only made everybody laugh harder! I wish I could have recorded the whole thing...oh it was funny.

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I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.