03 July 2011

Day 1: AZERTY keyboard layout

So, here I am; sitting here in my hotel, blogging on an AZERTY keyboard (which I'll have you know, is quite hqrd to remember where evything is; so I zill just type hoz I qm used to and fix everything zhen I get bqck! So don't judge! Sigh; this mqy tqke q zhile...Why do I have to press the shift button for a period? And qlso there is this kid from South Africa zho thinks Europeans are deprived little cavemen zho have never heard of an iPhone (he is explaining Apple to my very patient hostess as I zrite this, meanzhile I a, laughing silently at him).

I have been awake since 8:00 July 2nd US Mountain Time, and right noz it is 7:00 in Paris. So I think I have been up for around two days...it feels crazy. 

The cab drivers here are awesome. Every ride is a thrilling adventure. Lots of people here can speak English; zhich is a relief. The wife of the ozner of the bistro I qte dinner at today didn, even have much of an accent. She gave us some pointers on tipping. Apparently you don,t tip waiters here; but you do cqb drivers. Also, the hotel hostess is sooooo nice! She is incredibly patient with the dumb A,erican tourists:

ยต§£ look at those crazy characters! sweet...perhaps i will take a picture of this wacky keyboard...

After we checked into our hotel, Dad and i went to the catacombs! They were really exciting, and I shall be adding my pictures I took after i get home. The pathways were really muddy fro, all the water dripping, but all those skulls and femurs were amazing to look at.

After our dinner we bought to,orrow,s breakfast: cherries; pastries; and sodas.

Good night, all!

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About Me

I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.