05 July 2011

London: Day 3.5: A Wicked View

Guess what? I'm writing this on my own computer! Ha! So hopefully no more weird characters?

After we pulled into St Pancras station (I wonder if he is the patron saint of pancreases or something :P) we caught a cab and were off to our hotel! Our cabbie stayed parked for us while we checked in and then took us straight to the Eye. I was so used to the cabbies having French accents that I couldn't understand him!

The Eye was dizzying, mostly due to the fact that my eyes were having a hard time focusing on what was outside the windows, rather than the windows itself. London is so beautiful. I like it a lot better than Paris already. I bet its because the blocks are square instead of triangular and everyobdy speaks English and people occasionally put their garbage in the bins...

I think my favourite buildings so far are the Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. They have such intricate carvings and are really spiderweblike.

Once we got off the Eye we immediately began our trek to the Apollo Victoria Theatre. We didn't go inside right away, because we still had a load of time until Wicked started, but we jsut wanted to make sure we knew where it was. At this point we were starving, so we ate this Italian place near Victoria Station. It was delicious; I had a calzone with chicken, meatballs, mushrooms, and chillies, and a cheesecake with chocolate coated honeycomb sprinkled on top. That was possibly the yummiest thing I've ever heard of on a cheesecake.

Right after we finished eating (the waiters took like 20 minutes getting our check) we ran in the rain to the theatre and settled into our seats. Dad used his blindness to get us really good seats ;) (We also got into the Louvre for free and the Eye at a discount with this) And then it began...

...and there really are no words to describe it. The costumes and the set was absolutely incredible. I wish I cold have gone backstage and gotten detailed photos of each munchkin and emerald citizen dress. They were so intricate!

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I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.