25 July 2011

Day 7: Little Old...Nerds?

Today we woke up promptly at 7 and packed to check out of the hotel. Today is the beginning of our Harry Potter tour!

After we had eaten and checked out we went to Earl's Court station, the station we left from every day, and there by the entrance I noticed something I had never seen my whole time here!

A big, old fashioned, blue police phone box!

Oh, my joy and ecstasy as I took off my backpack and began to take photographs of myself standing in front of it. I would have gone inside, but the door wouldn't open. But I still saw an actual TARDIS!!! :D

Anyway. Back to the real world. The real world is filled with large and confusing train stations, and it took us a very long time to figure out how to get to our hotel in east London. Once we got there, we hurriedly checked in and grabbed a cab to our street art tour. I took probably way too many pictures. This particular tour, I thought, started out fairly interesting. We saw, well, a lot of professional graffiti. After two hours though it all began to look the same. So I stopped paying attention to the guide and the graffiti and just wished it would end.

When it finally did, Dad and I returned to the hotel to meet up with our tour group. And guess what? My group is filled with little old ladies! I didn't even know little old ladies could be Harry Potter nerds! I thought most of them either thought it was witchcraft and devil worship or else just didn't really care. You learn something every day, I guess....

After we recieved our lanyards and itineraries, we were set free to go take naps. Geez, I was tired, and I've decided I miss my own pillow. It's the kind with a dent in the middle, and hotels always have like six enormous fluffy pillows that I am now sick of.

We woke up just in time to go eat dinner. Dad and I sat with Ellen and Judith, two little old ladies from Florida. They were wearing their house shirts that they got from the theme park. I quite like them (the ladies, not their shirts).

Our hotel is in the docklands, so its right by the Thames. Dad and I took a walk around the area after dinner, but didn't find anything more interesting than an old sandwich and a 'no fouling' sign, both of which we laughed hysterically at. We probably laughed more at the sign though. No Fouling...hehe.

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I have an opinion. A lot of the time I keep to myself, but the times that I do let you know what it is, I'll be right to the point. You may or may not like it.